The Resilient Brand mentoring sessions This is where I learn all about you, your successes and your challenges. Please give me as much detail as possible so we can make the most of our sessions together. KarinaYour name* First Last Email* Mobile*Website* Social Media*Tell me about your business. What do you make or what service you provide?*What problem are you solving for your customers?*Who are your customers? Provide as much demographic information about them as you can (age-range, gender, location, etc)*What is your audience wish list? What kind of audiences do you want for your business?*What do you care about most that you want others to care about as well?*Why do you do what you do? Get to the heart of what motivates you and by extension, your business.*Why did you choose to get into and stay in this business, not necessarily financial?*What do you hope to accomplish as a business? What would take you to bed happy every night?*Are there businesses that inspire you? Why? Please share links to their websites or social handles.*List out all the challenges that you need my help with. Tell me what's working, what isn't, what needs to be improved, what should stay the same? Please be as detailed as possible so I can tailor your experience.*What would you like to accomplish from our time together? What are your goals for this project?*Anything else you want me to know?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.